Bugs Fixed in 1. 1. Doc ID 1. 61. 41. Business Intelligence Server Enterprise Edition Version 1. Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition Version 1. Information in this document applies to any platform. Purpose. This note provides a list of the bugs fixed in each of the patches as. Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition OBIEE. It is divided into eight sections, listing the bugs. Details. Note un linked bugs are internal only and not publicly available. Patch 1. 69. 13. 44. Patch 1. 1. 1. 1. Oracle Business Intelligence Installer BIINST. T2. P unable to access bi analytics application on target. T2. P copyconfig of bidomain shows plain text password of repository. Patch 1. 79. 22. 35. Patch 1. 1. 1. 1. Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher BIP. SQL Server articles, scripts, and discussion groups. Importing whole applications vs. This article describes the import of APEX pages and shared components. This operation is relevant. ZshmcK4oFP8/T9uBzc5OthI/AAAAAAAAAFM/_fNIRNVmLdw/s640/5.jpg' alt='Bi Publisher Template Builder Installation Error' title='Bi Publisher Template Builder Installation Error' />SCHEDULESERVICE DELIVERYSERVICE REQUIRES SPECIFIC ELEMENT FOR REPORT FILENAMEbug 1. BISERVER QUERY FAILS IF AMPERSAND IS USED IN COLUMN NAMEbug 1. BI PUBLISHER CANNOT SEE FOLDER GRANTED WHEN USER ACCOUNT IS EXPIREDGRACE. PDF files that contain the Visual Studio 2005 documentation. You got the job Oh, but you dont want or need it anymore. What do you do What should you say Artisteer web design generator for Joomla templates, Wordpress themes, Drupal themes, Blogger templates and DNN skins. DATA ENGINE RETURNS INCORRECT DATATYPE WHEN DECIMALS IS STORED IN NUMBER COLUMN. BIPREGION IS NOT WORKING AFTER CALLING SAME REPORT USING REPORTSERVICES API. RPT NOT RENDERING IN PDF AND HTML WHEN CREATED IN MY FOLDER WITH WIZARD. DATA FIELDS THAT CONTAIN A BACKSLASH IN A PARAMETER CAUSE DATA MODEL TO FAIL. FLEXFIELD PARAMETER POP UP DIALOG HAS NO TEXT DESCRIPTION. BIEE DASHBOARD IMPORT ORCL NUMBER SHOWS UP AS NULL. ONLY THE FIRST PRESENTATION VARIABLE IS PASSED TO THE DATA MODEL ENGINESev 1 SR. QA LOV SEARCH DOES NOT WORK FOR NON DEFAULT REFRESHED LOVbug 1. EXPORT FILE NAME IS NOT DECODED PROPERLY. BI DATAMODEL RETURNS ONLY FIRST ROW IF WE HAVE MULTIPLE GRANDCHILD VOSbug 1. BI PUBLISHER 1. 1. SCHEDULED JOBS NOT RUNNING AS SCHEDULEDbug 1. PARAMETERS WITHOUT DEFAULT VALUES ALLOW MANUAL ENTRY OF DATA USING IE7. INTERMITTENT BIP REPORT CORRUPTION OR ERRORS WHEN RUN ON AIX. DTE REL7 BIP REGION NOT PSEUDO TRANSLATE ITS FIELDS BUTTON DONE, TEMPLATE, OUT. COULD NOT LOAD SCHEMA INFORMATION ERROR WHEN USING QUERY BUIbug 1. BIP 1. 1G DATE FORMAT CHANGES AFTER AN EXPORT TO EXCEL OR PDFbug 1. SECURE FTP IS NOT TRANSFERING ALL OUTPUT FILEbug 1. SELECTING THE DATE FROM CALANDER ICON IS REMOVING THE TIME ZONE INFORMATION. ACC SECTION 5. 08 MENU SELECTION NOT WORKING IN IE8bug 1. MDX QUERIES FAIL TO LOAD WHEN SAVING, OR IF SAVED, GENERATE NO DATA. TRIGGER DOES NOT ACCEPT VARIABLE PARAMETER SYSDATE 7bug 1. UNABLE TO SEE REPORTS AFTER UPLOAD ON ONE OF TWO NODES. ONLY FIRST REPORTS TEMPLATE USED FOR ALL REPORTS WHILE PREVIEWING THEMbug 1. APP FND 0. 29. 38 MULTI ORGANIZATION ROUTINE FAILED WHEN SELECT A RESP IN MYACCOUNTbug 1. BIPUBLISHER DYNAMICAL CONNECTION DOESNT WORK IN SCHEDULE WEBSERVICE XCA. XPATH ERROR IN BI PUBLISHER 1. G BUT WORKS IN 1. Gbug 1. 63. 10. 35. REPORTS ARE SCHEDULED TO RUN EVERY 2 WEEKS BUT RUN EVERY WEEK. CELL PADDING CALCULATIONS FOR PDF, RTF AND HTML OUTPUTS ARE NOT THE SAME. SECURITY ON THE CUSTOMIZED REPORT TO MATCH THAT OF THE ORIGINAL REPORT. BURSTING JOB DATA DOES NOT HAVE BURSTKEY POPULATED IN JOBSLIST API. NESTED GROUP CAN NOT BE DISPLAYED CORRECTLY IN EXCEL TEMPLATE. BEFORE SCHEDULE EVENT TRIGGER GETS NPE IN PRE PROCESS FUNCTION. CAN WE SET CONDITIONAL FORMATTING FOR EACH SHEET IN EXCEL TEMPLATE. XLSX FORMAT OUT OF MEMORY DUE TO LARGE NESTED TABLE. QA IE1. 0 REPORT CREATION WIZARD BROKEN, DATA SOURCE FAILS TO LOAD. REPORT JOB HISTORY 5. OUTPUTS SHOW DISABLED XML DATA FOR ALL RECORDS AFTER PREVbug 1. XLIFFUTILITY NOT FINDING THE CORRECT STRING IN A SERIES OF FO INLINE ELEMENTS. JVM OUT OF MEMORY WHILE ADDING IMAGE TO BIP REPORTbug 1. INCONSISTENT ALIGNMENT IN INTERACTIVE REPORTS WITH PIVOT TABLES USING IE9. MEMORY PROBLEMS IN FOPROCESSOR WHILE HANDLING LARGE NESTED TABLEbug 1. INCONSISTENT ALIGNMENT IN INTERACTIVE REPORTS WITH PIVOT TABLES USING IE9. KEEP WITH NEXT. WITHIN PAGE ATTRIBUTE SET TO ALWAYS UNWANTED PAGE BREAK IN PDF. BIP UPDATES CATALOG OBJECTS VIA BIPS SOAP AS BISYSTEMUSERbug 1. LOCAL SUPER USER LOGIN FAILS. ER BIP IS DUPLICATING AN IMAGE TO EVERY ROW WHEN EXPORTED VIA EXCEL 2. ER SUPPORT PROCESSING NON STANDARD SQL QUERIES. PDF2. IMAGE PERFORMANCE DUE TO SUN. AWT. PACKAGEbug 1. REQUIRE CONFIGURATION OPTION TO CREATE PDF FILES WITH OR WITHOUT EXTGSTATE. BIP DATA MODEL FAILS TO LOAD DATA FOR A DATA SET BASED ON XML WITH UTF 8 CHARSET. QA QUERY BUILDER DOES NOT HAVE CONSISTENT LOOK. CONTAINS MULTIPLE FONT STYLES. ER NEW OPTION FOR XLSX OUTPUT TO EXPAND COLUMN TO AVOID CELL MERGING. QA RGRN TIMEZONE DISPLAYS UNDEFINED AFTER CHANGING IT. REMOVING BISYSTEMUSER IMPERSONATION REDUCE CALLS TO BIPS FOR NULL SESSION IDbug 1. JAVA. LANG. NULLPOINTEREXCEPTION IN REPORTS WITH GROUP DETAIL REPEATING SECTION. ITEM COST DETAIL REPORT XML ROUNDS THE DISPLAY OF ITEM COST TO NEAREST VALUE. Starcraft 2 Brood War on this page. TEMPLATE BUILDER STAGING PROCESS NEEDS TO BE IMPROVEDbug 1. ANCHOR TWO PIVOT TABLES SO THEY APPPEAR SIDE BY SIDE IN RTF TEMPLATE IS FAILING. ACC IE8 ENTER DOES NOT SELECT FLOATMENU HIGHLIGHTED ENTRY. IN IE AND FIREFOX THE DECIMAL MAKSING PARAMETER IS NOT EDITABLEbug 1. BIPUBLISHER REPORTS PROCESSING CLOCK,CANCEL BUTTON AND NO DATA FOUND MSGbug 1. NESTED FORMULAS IN PIVOT TABLE FAIL IN LAYOUT EDITORVIEWERPDFbug 1. PERMISSION SETTING NOT DISPLAYED PROPERLY IN MORE THAN 3. ROLESbug 1. 67. 54. BI PUBLISHER INCORRECT VALUES FOR SUBTOTALS. INTERACTIVE VIEWERPDF ERROR IN BIP 1. IMPLEMENT A SETTING TO LIMIT MEMORY USAGE MEMORY GUARDbug 1. SENDING LARGE FILES TO ORACLE CLOUD SERVER REMOVES. PART EXTENSIONbug 1. SCHEDULE TRIGGER IN DATAMODEL ISSUEbug 1. BI PUBLISHER PROBLEMS WITH CUSTOM FORMULA IN A SUBTOTAL CELL IN INTERACTIVE MODE. ADD MORE FIELDS IN BIP AUDITING AND MONITORING. ADD CHECKBOX TO CONTROL ADDPARTEXTINTRANSFER PROPERTY IN SFTP FTP CONFIGbug 1. SCHEDULED PROCESSES ARE NOT RUNNING CORRECTLY. ADDING EVENT LOGGING TO HELP DIAGNOSIS. QA LABEL LANGUAGE NOT IN ENGLISH BY DEFAULTbug 1. BI PUBLISHER PARAMETER NAMES TRANSLATION NOT RETAINED ON REPORT REFRESH. LAYOUT EDITOR REPORTS DO NOT SUPPORT CLOB DATA. REL7. ST7 CDRM ENV EMAIL DELIVERY NOT WORKING. IE1. 0 DELETE ICON NOT VISIBLE. ACC MULTISELECT SELECT LIST AGAINST IE1. IS NOT WORKING USING NAVIGATION KEYbug 1. OPENING REPORT JOBS PAGE RESULTS IN ERROR GETING HISTORY DATA. RESENDING A REPORT AS FTP FROM THE JOB HISTORY PAGE FAILSbug 1. ER DATE AND NUMBER FORMAT LOST WHEN DOWNLOADING REPORT TO EXCEL. QA IE1. 0 IN DMEDITOR STRUCTURE XMLOUTPUT VIEW NOT DISPLAYED PROPERLY. REPORT TITLE CHANGE TO UNDEFINED WHEN EDIT REPORT LAYOUT IN IE1. LAYOUT EDITOR CHARTS DO NOT GENERATE DATA VALUES IN 2. ND OR MORE CHARTS. ENHANCE DATAMODEL PROCESSING TO WRITE DIAGNOSTIC DETAILS AND LIMIT XML SIZE. DERIVE SYSTEM TEMP DIRECTORY FROM SERVER PROPERTYbug 1. AFTER APPLYING OBIEE BP1 PATCH, BI PUBLISHER STOPS WORKING. IE1. 0 BI1. 11. 18. SELECT ALL DO NOT WORK FINE IN QUERY BUILDER IN IE1. NEED TO REDUCE DEFAULT REPORT THRESHOLD AND DB FETCH SIZE TO MINIMIZE OOM IN FA. FAPPS UPLOADING DATA MODEL THROWS ERROR BUT UPLOADS ANYWAY WITH INVALID DATA. SCHEDULER ENGINE DOES NOT USE A SERVER TEMPORARY DIRECTORY. A REDUNDANT TEMP FILE CREATION OCCURS BY REPORT GENERATION BY SCHEDULERbug 1. IE7 IF OUTPUT NOT FILLED AFTER SELECTING DESTINATION THROWS 5. INTERNAL. bug 1. 71. QA IE1. 0 DRAG DROP ON REPORT WIZARD NOT WORKING FOR TABLE LAYOUT. MEMORY SCALABLE FEATURE FOR NESTED TABLE CAUSES WRONG OUTPUT. IE1. 0 BI1. 11. 18. CLICK ON PAGE NUMBER ITEMS WARNING MESSAGE SHOWS. UNDEFINED DISPLAYED AFTER SELECTING DATATIME IN SCHEDULE PAGE. G UPGRADED ANALYSIS REPORT RETURNS EMPTY XML DATA IN 1. Importing APEX pages and components. Importing whole applications vs. This article describes the import of APEX pages and shared components. This operation is relevant when deploying modifications from the development environment to the production environment. One of the most used and simple ways of transferring modifications to the APEX application into another environment is a complete recreation of the workspace and application. The steps are not subject of this document, but the major drawbacks from this method are The workspace in the destination environment is deleted, along with all associated applications, and recreated The applications from the workspace need to be imported again, even if we only want to deploy only one of the applications from the previously deleted workspace All these operations take time and make the applications unavailable during the import. So, a simpler way is to apply modifications to an application stored in a different workspace, component by component and page by page, if the total number of newmodified pages or components is not close to the total number of components and pages in the application in this case, a full application import will be more suitable. The main concern and the scope of this document is importing pages or shared components from a development environment to a production environment. Usually, in the production mode we have all applications installed in runtime mode and the APEX installation itself does not have an Admin section, so all operations must be done using PLSQL and SQL scripts. Import considerations. When importing a page or a shared component from one application to another, it is very important to determine the following 1. Is the destination application in the same workspace as the source If the workspaces APEX instances and so on are different, do the destination workspace, applications, components and so on, have the same IDs as the source ones These cases are very important, as the import will be done differently in each caseExporting pages and shared components. The export of pages and shared components from an Apex application can be done very easy from the APEX development GUI. Exporting a page. A page export can be done via the Export icon on the top right of the Page in Edit Mode and Definition View. Or by switching the Edit Mode of the page in the Export View In both cases, the result will be a SQL script that will be saved on the disk, with the name fxxxpageyyy. ID and yyy is the page id. Exporting shared components. The shared components export can be done from the Share Components screen in Application Builder. On the right side on the screen, on the Tasks region is the Export Application Components link Shared components that can be exported, in relevance with the typical Aegon application structure are Tabs Lists Trees Navigation bar entries Themes Templates Report queries Report Layouts List of values. Importing pages and shared components. Importing from DEV to PROD when workspace and all objects ID are identical. Usually, when we deploy for the first time an application, along with the workspace, on the production PROD environment, it must be done using the same workspace ID as the one from the development environment. This will keep the two applications, from DEV and PROD, in sync regarding the workspace ID, applications ID, shared components ID and so on. This is very useful and very important for the import, because no modifications to the import scripts are necessary To import the exported pages and shared components in the PROD environment, we just run the export scripts from SQLPLUS connected as the SYS or APEXPUBLICUSER to the destination database. Example We have to exports scripts F1. F1. 00components. Step 1. Connect to the destinations Database with the sys user C sqlplus nolog. SQL connect syssyspasswordproddb as sysdba. Step 2. Run the export scripts, disregarding the order SQL F1. SQL F1. 00components. The export should be successful and the modifications from DEV should be in PROD too. Importing from DEV to PROD when workspace and objects IDs are different. When we import pages and shared components into an environment that was first deployed with a different Workspace ID, some modifications to the import SQL file must be done. As a result, the IDs of the pages, items, templates and other components may differ and an import proves to be difficult, if not impossible. But as a standard procedure, before importing a page or a shared component, the export files must be checked and modified. A typical export script for a page looks like this set define offset verify offset serveroutput on size 1. WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT SQL. SQLCODE ROLLBACKbegin wwvflow. APPLICATION 5. 99 WEBM Application Export Application 5. Name WEBM Date and Time 1. Tuesday October 6, 2. Exported By ADMIN Flashback 0 Export Type Page Export Version 3. Import Using application builder or Using SQLlus as the Oracle user FLOWS0. AAAA PPPPP EEEEEE XX XX AA AA PP PP EE XX XX AA AA PP PP EE XX XX AAAAAAA AAA PPPPP EEEE XXXX AA AA PP EE XX XX AA AA PP EE XX XX AA AA PP EEEEEE XX XXprompt Set Credentialsbegin Assumes you are running the script connected to SQLlus as the Oracle user FLOWS0. Set Application IDbegin SET APPLICATION IDwwvflow. In this example, we may to manually modify the psecuritygroupid, gflowid and gidoffset parameters. The psecuritygroupparameter is actually the workspace ID if it differs in the destination environment, than it must be changed accordingly, to export the page in the correct workspace. Also, if the gflowid application ID differs, then it must be changed also. Unfortunately, a complete check of the shared components and object IDs in the export file must be done in this care, to be sure that the pages we wish to import and its components and items, have the same IDs on the destination environment. Otherwise, the checksum of the page will be corrupted and the page will be unusable. Importing pages in the same workspace andor application. The operations for importing copying pages inside the same workspace andor application is the same as described above. But in this case also, we must manually correct the export file. After we opened the export file we must look for the following lines SET APPLICATION IDwwvflow. If we want to import the page in another application, we must manually update thewwvflow. If we import the page into the same application, chances are that even if the script deletes the page before importing it the import script will fail because it will try to re create page plugs that already exist. To fix this, we must also update the offset with a random value SET APPLICATION IDwwvflow. This will ensure that the import script will run without error and the page will be created. But, again, one more issue will appear the page will be created without the original templates. The templates will also not be associated to any items contained in the page. This happens because of the wwvflowapi. CLONAREOFERTA,pbuttonimage template tochar9.
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