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Aviteo turnover last year 3. Euros be warned. The whole legal point of the claims is that AviteoUsenext never renew download limits unless you pay first. It is therefore not a contract but PAYG. Therefore people are only paying for what they use. By not renewing the download Limits AviteoUsenext are walking away from their own contracts and making them void. Usenext business practice is fraudulent and the activities of both CCI Legal and Pro faktura are being reported as well as Aviteo to both the British and German police. Do not pay these companies anything at all if you are chased. REFUTE the claims on the above legal argument. We have and won every time on this argument and the DCs for AviteoUsenext have backed down and closed the files. You have been warned. Link to comment. Thanks very much for the reinforcing comment John. Its a seriously worrying situation and something that we will be keeping our eye on. For those that have received letters from Use. Ne. XT, CCI Legal or Pro Faktura demanding monies please check this forum thread at the Consumer Action Groups website. It details many people in the same situation and how they went about their replies, including template prove it letters ready for you to send. Please get in touch if youre going through the process of battling Use. I Foresee The Dark Ahead If I Stay here. Ne. XT, wed love to hear about it as Im sure they will too. Link to comment. I signed up for this service I know stupid of me and the username and password doesnt work You cant get to their support because it request your username and password to do that. I have attempted to call them on the German number. On the first day all I get is put on hold then a recording tells me all the oprators are busy and try again later. This is after being on hold long enough to rack up long distance charges. In order to cancel the charges, you need to download forms to fill out. But because you cant get to support, you can download the forms you need to do this. I had to cancel my credit card Now when I call the German number, I get no answer Link to comment. Dear Herbert,First of all, we are sorry to hear that you had troubles using our service. We constantly try to make it as easy as possible for our customers to cancel the free trial period or contracts. If you cannot log into our member area the easiest way is to simply write a message to our Support Service using the contact form. You can find the details on our website. We would also like to point out that you can contact our Support Service anytime, even if you are not a member or if you have problems with your login details. Also it is not obligatory to download a form using your login details in order to cancel as already mentioned a message or any other kind of written cancellation is sufficient. Therefore we kindly ask you to get in touch with our Support Service via the contact form as we understand that phone calls from abroad might become quite expensive. Best regards. Your Usenext Team. Link to comment. This is what you call a asshole reaction. Aviteo shows that they didnt even bother to read Herberts postAnyhow, there is no sincere reaction to his complaint. Scandalous Link to comment. Abusive in more ways than one. They charge you for features that their cult like moderators and users wont allow you to use unless you sacrifice your own opinions and lie about quality of posts. I had an account for a 9 month fee paid up front. I was honest about file quality of a certain poster that the chat cult will not allow you to be honest about so they banned me from chat and comments for the term of 9 months. Money out the window when you pay more for features other clients dont offer then lose them for being honest. Go with a program like News. Hosting its unlimited your speed of download is down to what your isp provider allows. Worth every dime you pay instead of over paying for resources they take from you at a place like usenext. Ill never go back. Theyre thieves with servers clogged with passworded files and poor quality files that are scored high so you spend you balance on junk. Link to comment. Thank you, John, for taking the time and effort to inform people with this information. Though Ive never used them and was never inclined to because their ways seemed less than honorable, I always appreciate people taking their time to help others avoid problems. Link to comment. Usenext is really a scam, please dont even bother. Link to comment. Dont we all just love characters like Fazal Throws in a one liner without explanation or provocation why Fazal feels a victim of such a scam. Experience is one thing and hearsay is another, and as my experience as a professional psychologist Phy. D retired Fazal is going on hearsay. Link to comment. I signed up for usenext and let me just say I was lucky. I found out it was a scam the day after I signed up, and cancelled my card straight away. The Abbey fraud team were really helpful and said that because I cancelled so quickly, that usenext would not be able to take any money whatsoever from my account. Please dont be fooled by this, it will leave you with restless nights when you have to be at work at 9. Link to comment. Thanks Emma. Another tip in using services online is to always use a credit card not your debit card. Using your credit card gives you additional protection against stuff like this and also if the company goes bust or something the credit card card company is liable to refund the money lost. Power Data Recovery 4.1.1 Serial Key'>Power Data Recovery 4.1.1 Serial Key. Link to comment. I signed up for the free trial period. Cancelled the same day as I did not like the product. Got a confirmation of that. Sniper Team Game Full Screen. I get a bill for subscription from them. I sent them a copy of their confirmation of my cancellation but they just forwarded their claim to a debt collector. Rather than pay I went to a lawyer who wrote the debt collector and then I heard nothing. My own guess is that they had hoped that after 2 years, I would not have my confirmation saved. Most of the times I dont keep mails that long but I had some strange feeling already then. Link to comment. Thanks Michael. Did you end up paying for the lawyer or was it a favourfreeIf anyone else is worrying that theyll have to pay out for a lawyer, there are plenty of free alternatives including sending them a well worded reply yourself asking for evidence that you owe them monies. Remember, the onus is on them in no case should you pay them just because you fear being charged more by a layer anyway this is what they want and why they do it. Link to comment. Hi, I have an insurance for legal services so it costed close to nothing. But even if I would not have had that I would have tried myself or even paid the full price. I rather put the money in the pocket of someone who does an honest job than enriching people who act like this company did. Though naturally I have no proof of it, I have the feeling this was the plan from them all the time.
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